Thursday 7 July 2011

Me, bubs and my day!

So today, i got to be productive and attend an infant massage class! It was great, and Lachy was so relaxed in spite of the lack of sleep!! He and the wee girl next to him just oogled each other while the other babies cried! It was fantastic, and he loved the massage!

The other thing i did today was go all out with my eating, completely stuffing my face with pizza, cheesecake and chocolate! What happened to healthy eating?? Not only do i completely lack motivation, apparently will power is out of my league too :(
At least torrential rain and wind gave me some form of an excuse to not exercise....I'l ignore the fact that someone invented indoor exercises!
On a happier note, i had some great company, who took some piccys of me and my delicious boy!! AND...(Drum roll please...)

Yesterday i bought new pair of shoes!!!

For anyone that knows the heartache of my shoe journey, you can rejoice with me! For those that don't, this is the first pair of shoes that i have been able to fit and wear comfortably for 10 months!! My feet swelled so wickedly during pregnancy that i couldn't get my jandals on properly in the last couple of weeks! After Lachys birth i lost a whole lot of fluid only to find that i now have slightly larger feet in 2 different sizes! Who knew!!

My awsum hubby has spent many torturous hours trying to shoe shop with me, and has spent an equally torturous amount of hours consoling me when we returned home empty handed! Now the dark days are gone! I have tried to show a pic of these amazing shoes in the following pics, so everyone else can admire them and gaze in reverence too!! Now all i have to do is figure out how to walk wearing shoes again... stay tuned for that one!lol

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