Friday 16 September 2011

DIY Divas!!

Last night i had the most enormous amount of fun pretending that i knew all about DIY!! I was invited along to a women's night at the local hardware store by a good friend, and thought it would be a bit of an interesting/educational gathering with everyone trying to sell us something.  What i found instead were a whole lot of interesting activities and games that made you feel like you could possibly build a house!

Painted planter box!! (The wonky ends were totally on purpose !)
I built a planter box (they even let me drill some holes), also got to paint my hands, jeans  and the floor planter box, we learnt how to make quick easy art work with napkins, glue and a small canvas, I changed a car tyre in 2 mins and 54 seconds.  Using a skillful netball throw, threw 8 rugby balls into the mini concrete mixer in a minute, sliced (i'm not even sure what that means) a golf ball into tub to win a chilly bag (using my hockey skills), cast a fishing line into a chilly bin from a couple of meters miles away to win a fish measure thingy-me-bob, and most exciting of all, i won a spot prize!! Yayyy!! It was a bucket full of...well...handyman stuff that i'l probably never use but my hubby was pretty stoked!

My pretty art!
And for the whole night no one tried to sell me anything and i was constantly offered wine, juice and cheese (hmmm, we never did find the other nibbles!)  And even better, i had Lachy with me the whole night and he was just the most AWSUM TROOPER!!  He slept for about half an hour then just stared at everything from his pushchair, occasionally holding a wee conversation with anyone that stopped to talk to him!  He did have a horrendous and scary screaming fit wee melt down in the last 5 mins, but then it was home time and he was my perfect wee gentleman again!!  My babies AMAZING!!!

DIY Diva's (kinda)

 I had so much fun!! Thanks Rach' and Charlotte! You ladies are amazing!!  I'm really looking forward to next year!! My mission for next week is to find some herbs to put in my SELF MADE planter box!!Oh the fun i shall have!!


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