Tuesday 2 September 2014

Monday Funday...on a Tuesday

I may be alone here, but Mondays aren't really a huge drag for me.  I don't have to go anywhere to work, the boys don't have anywhere they need to be.  Tuesdays...well they're more like Monday for me!  Lachy has Kindy, so right away i have to get dressed (which would be easier with my pinterest wardrobe, i'm sure), then there's the whole 'Grocery Day' thing, which requires writing lists and checking cupboards, which results in me needing to clean so i can actually see what we have.  It also means baking day...yep...i bake...

Ohk, so it's not really a busy day, but it's a fantastic excuse to create a wee ray of sunshine in the form of Pinterest and all the funny bits i find on there!!  So here ya go...you're welcome :)

Seriously, i could spend all day scrolling through funnies!....and inspiring quotes....and recipes....clothes....Sigh!  Time to go and get some ironing done...honestly, why do clothes still need to be ironed!??

Renee  :)


  1. So no Kindergarten on Mondays? Ever? Love all of these quotes - too funny!

    1. This is a seriously delayed reply, sorry!! He will eventually go on Mondays, but most of our Kindergartens have a wait list, so he's kind of just picking up days as the older kids leave to start school when they turn 5! Hopefully he can pick up Mondays soon!
