Monday 6 February 2012

"Funny face, I love you..."

This morning after his breakfast, my chunky monkey decided to show off the range of faces that he's learning to pull!!  He's trying very hard to wrinkle his nose and give toothy grins (minus the teeth)!!!

Sucking in the lips is still one of his fav' hobbies!

Cheeky monkey smile!

Please note, he's not crying in the bottom right photo, that's one of his faces!

Love his Face!!!

He's so Scrummy!!!  I love that he pulls faces now!!  And waves hello and bye-bye too!!   Sigh, i'm off to go and fish him out of the laundry basket to play some more now!!

Toodles!!  :)

"Live for a Life without Regret"


  1. so freaken adorable! love all of the funny faces :) love when they get their personalities!

  2. All those faces are to die for! So cute!

  3. AWWW... he's gorgeous:) I love the one in which his eyes are all squeezed up while smiling :)

    your newest follower via the hop and a regular visitor now

  4. He is sooo cute! I love those little cheeks!

  5. What a little Cherub!! So presh!

  6. hahah That little guy is adorable!!It like he knows exactly how to make mommy melt! lol thank you for stopping by my blog!
