Wednesday 29 February 2012

What a 'Pinteresting' thought!!

How on earth have i gone so long without doing a Pinterest post!???  I dont know, 'cause honestly, a large part of my day is made up with the damn site!!!  So here are a few of my Favorite pinteresting thoughts and inspirations for all to see!!

Bahahahaha!!  Makes me feel a bit better!

Cant wait for winter and These boots!!! (Please Hubby darling!!)

Sigh, even if i could afford these, i cant afford the medical bill from snapping my ankles!

I almost wish i had to provide a sample, just so i could do this!!! (almost)

Love this kid!!

So True!!!

Love these!!!  Wish i had the patience to do my nails!!

Love this laxed outfit for winter!!!


So there ya go!!  Im a bit curious about when i became so interested in clothing though!....I secretly blame pinterest!!  Hope everyones week is going Awesome!!!

Toodles!!  :)

"Live for a Life without Regret"


  1. haha that text one is hilarious! and soooo true :) i love Pinterest!

  2. i love your new header =)

  3. This are all awesome! Thanks for sharing such goodness.
