Tuesday 1 January 2013

13 things for 2013!!

Starting the year linking up with Beth and Heather for 13 Things for 2013!!  I always have a few things i want to achieve every year.  Weight loss is usually the first thing on my list.  In fact there's the odd year when it's been the only thing on my list (Occasionally i give it a different name just to look more versatile, you know...exercise more, eat healthy, tone up.  These are all just misguided ways to say i should really get off my lazy arse and shake the rolls away)!!

Obviously i've never been too successful with losing those few 40 pounds i think are ruining my life, and i'm finally fed up with focusing on it as a way of beginning my year!!

This year begins a new focus, and hey, maybe it'l inspire me into action in other areas!

#1  Stop changing to fit others!! If they dont like me, they dont like me.  It's actually OK to have people dislike me, i will survive it! (unless they hire a hit-man...)

#2  Laugh more, especially at myself!!  Because i truly believe that laughter is, in fact, the Best Medicine!

3#  Accept the reality that is me!!  As in, i will never be a girly-girl even though i feel i should be! (Please note, there is no one making me feel i have to be more feminine, except myself)  Make up and me just don't mix, and i don't feel comfy in a skirt...or dresses....or heels...  Say it with me - "Jeans are pretty too!!!"

4#  Be more vocal in appreciating the people i Love!!  Hubby especially, cause he's freakin' AMAZING!!

5#  Be more vocal in general!! Once upon a time i used to spend the majority of my day singing.  I don't really know why i stopped, or even when i stopped, but i remember that it used to make me extremely happy!!  I'm definitely no Aretha Franklin (i'm more like Barney the dinosaur without the talent) but that's not an issue really when my audience is under 2!!

6#  Don't be afraid to Shine!!  I want to do and be so much, but always end up focusing instead on the whispered 'what if's' and lies in my head, and i do nothing!!  I read this post this morning and know that starting from today, things are gunna be changing round here!!!

7#  Teach my boys to jump in the puddles and dance in the rain!!  Because it's lots of fun, and they're waterproof!!  And because they need to see that there's beauty in every season, both in the world, and in themselves!!

8#  Be in photo's!!  And accept the fact that my bad hair day/pimples/and funny knees will be in them too!!  Honestly, i don't want to reminisce over photo's of myself cringing and trying to hide different perceived 'flaws' (yes i had to recite the 'I before E' rhyme to spell that), i want to see a person loving life!!

9#  Live in the Now!!  Because in spite of numerous attempts, changing the past is not possible!!  However changing my attitude towards the past is, and it's necessary for moving forward!!

10#  Create!!  Finding time to craft stuff is kinda hard with 2 kids (people with social lives and children, that have the time to craft are obviously on steroids i've decided!)  But i LOVE crafting and hobbies are so important to maintain ones sanity!!

11#  De-Clutter!!  Enough said!

12#   Take time to Smell the Roses!!  Especially with my lads, cause let's face it, nothing is more important than being with them and just being!!

13#  Blog more!!!  Because this is something i LOVE doing!!  It makes me happy.  And i Love doing it.  Did i mention it makes me happy!?

So wish me Luck and Good Luck to every one as we head into 2013!!

Toodles!!  :)

'Live for a Life without Regret'


  1. Thankyou so much fr linking up! What a great list! :) xxx

  2. wow this is one of the best lists for 2013 i have seen! very inspirational to do the same....i am soooo bad at not getting in pictures and i really want my son to have them when he grows up. (i may not show them on the internet though) :)

  3. This is probably the best resolution list I've seen! :)

  4. I love your resolutions!! You are such an inspiration! I especially love #7, 9, 10.....who am i kidding, I love all of them. Your family is very blessed to have you! xo

  5. I love every one of these! You have a really powerful, positive year ahead of you!!! =]
