Sunday 27 January 2013

Experiment 626 - First thoughts!

I was s'posed to write this yesterday.  I can't remember why i didn't...oh well, i'm doing it now!

I've done the oil cleanse for 2 nights now.  By cleanse (for those who missed this post) i mean basting my face in oil so it looks like a raw chicken bum, massaging for a couple of minutes (not something i do for raw chicken bums), then 'steaming' my face with a hot flannel twice before wiping off the remaining oil.  I've also been moisturizing with the oil mix to soak overnight (kinda like a slow roast!)and wiping my skin clean with a hot flannel in the morning.

My thoughts so far....

Well first off, i Did Not experience the instant oil slick/massive pimple breakout i was fully expecting to wake up with!!  In fact, my skin felt quite tight and dry!! (I Know Right!!?) And in spite of my worry about ruining my pillow, most of the oil had absorbed right into my skin by the time i went to bed (about 1/2 an hour after i applied my potion) and my pillow remains unblemished!

The second night was much the same, and after i wiped my skin clean in the morning it was def' dry, leaving me needing to apply my normal moisturizer.  I think an increase to the amount of Evoo in my potion is in order to try and remedy the dryness. Hopefully it works!

I noticed after the first day that my skin was softer, which is a bonus!  Hopefully some of the other benefits start to eventuate too!!  At the very least it's no worse than what i'm already using, and has worked out cheaper, so i'm proceeding with the month long experiment!!

Stay tuned for my weekly update on Friday!!....Unless i forget, or run out of time,or suddenly develop a social life....Bahahaha, yeah so i'll be seeing ya's on Friday!

Toodles!!  :)

'Live for a Life without Regret'


  1. Thanks for posting this! I've seen this before, but thought it would just make me break out like crazy so it's great to see that it's not doing that to you! I'm interested to see how it turns out. :)

    1. Delayed reply!! I totally expected this to make me break out but it seems to be having the completely opposite results!! I'm interested (and still a wee bit nervous) to see how it turns out too!lol

  2. I think I need to try this out!! I'm always up for some DIY stuff ;) and my skin here in CO is super dry, ugh.

    1. Give it a go!! Lots of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is s'posed to be best for dry skin! If nothing else it's provided a bit of amusement for my Hubby! (i look like a bit of a shiny swamp monster i think!lol)

  3. Okay, I am SO intrigued by this!!! I think I need to try it!

    1. Do try it! It's been really good so far!! And thanks for following, I love your blog!! (Looking forward to the next Pin-Spired link!!)
