Tuesday 18 November 2014

A Grateful Heart...

Ah, Tuesday...there you are...again...Bringing the start of my 'working' week....and also rain...lots of rain....and cold.....then sunshine...then rain...and did i mention the wind??  Seriously, if i hung my washing out it would be dry in 5 minutes...if i could find it...

Grateful Heart Monday w/ Ember Grey

Lately i've been feeling pretty blah, and i hold the weather fully responsible!! Instead of dwelling on the crappy things, though, i'm linking up with Ember Grey for her Grateful Heart series!

So i am Grateful for....

#  Awesome shelter from the dud weather!!  Our home is pretty awesome, it's warm, and has room for the boys to run around in when it rains!

#  The rain on my vege gardens! (Without which they probably would've died by now, cause i keep forgetting to water them!)

#   Our health!!  For the first time in a wee while we are all healthy and sniffle/cough free!! 

#  Our local libraries!!!  Free weekly dvd rentals for the boys??  Don't mind if i do....A new book to try and get through (tired mom issues)? Why, sure!!  A spot for the boys to sit and play while i look for a book?  WIN!!

#  The Hubsters willingness to take care of dinner when he gets home from work and i haven't gotten anything cooked!! 

#   No one holding my bad grammar and lack of capital 'I's against me!! :)

There is soooo much more to be grateful for, but i'll save some for another day!!

What are you grateful for??

Renee  :)


  1. Lovely things to be grateful for :-) We're all coughing and sniffly here, have had a bit of a feral Tuesday!

    1. Oh no! It's silly but i hate the sniffles the worst! It just makes everything awful when your nose is running and you heads full of cotton wool! (also, i spoke too soon, we've just welcomed a tummy bug into the house! I see a few feral days in our immediate future!lol)
