Monday 10 November 2014

In the Neighbourhood..

It's easy to forget the beauty of our own country when we're busy oogling the adventures of others overseas.  It's also easy to forget that excitement knows no bounds when you're just small and your own backyard is Amazingly Huge!!

And so on Sunday we took a walk....Reacquainting ourselves with our own 'backyard'.   The boys walked, and ran, they picked up sticks and looked at rocks, listened to the sounds of the river flowing and the birds calling.  They shrieked, and jumped, pointed and 'Wowwed', ate and slept and nearly photo-bombed a family photo session!!

An Awesome day all round! :)

We're already looking forward to our next adventure somewhere else in our 'backyard'!!

Ps:  Does anyone know about any slings that can be used to help hold a toddler/preschooler on your back?  We'd love to not be restricted to pushchair only walks, but realize our boys have their limits!  If you have any suggestions let us know!!

Thanks!! :)

Renee  :)

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  1. Cool post. It was nice to see where you live. Also nice to see your second half. That hill was steep. Hope to see more posts like this one. Take care.

    1. Thanks Grace!! I've been feeling so inspired by all the adventures I see you all going on! It is really good seeing were others live! (That hill was steep, definitely the most exercise I've had in a while!lol)

  2. So true! We forget that our home is a new place for someone else :) I'm still a little jealous that you live in New Zealand though!

    1. Hey Kristin! NZ is a beautiful place to live, very laid back too. I've been reading back through your blog, you've had some Amazing adventures!! I'm looking forward to reading about more of them! :)

  3. Wow it's gorgeous!! And such little cuties you have. We are big fans of our kelty backpack, but we also have baby hawk that's pretty comfortable.

    1. Thanks so much for that Chelsea!! The baby hawk style was exactly the type of thing we were looking for! (I'm Loving your blog!!)
