Sunday 2 October 2011

4 Months Old!!

I cant believe how fast time is going!! (I think i start every post with this statement!)  My wee man is 4 and a half months now and getting so much bigger and so much more....interesting? Is that the right word??  What i want to say is, he's so much more into his surroundings, and grabbing things and babbling and screeching etc!!

The biggest thing for him over the last couple of weeks is starting on baby food.  For the last month he's been watching us eat with so much intensity, grizzling after his feeds and trying to 'eat' everything in his reach so we thought, lets give it a go!  We tried a teaspoon of apple for the first few days, which he ate rather enthusiastically, then decided he didn't like, so we tried kumara and sweetcorn...Wow that boy must've been hungry!! He can't get enough of it!! (Although we do only give him 2-3 tspns a day at the moment)  Sigh, another step away from being my wee baby :(

Because the weather has been so flippen amazing (I'l ignore the fact that its been raining all day today) I'v managed to get Lachy outside to experience the Great Outdoors in bare feet!!  He took it all in with his usual style and grace (He just oogles everything with his mouth wide open and copious amounts of drool pouring out). It's been great!!  We bought a little Bumbo seat for him and after me jumping him around for a bit he sat in it and watched the wind blowing the washing on the line!!

Then i had a brain wave!!(I don't get those very often anymore)! We lack door frames to hold our Jolly Jumper up so i haven't been able to use it, (i just hold Lachy up when he wants to jump- Excellent  arm workout!) I figured maybe it would hang on the clothes line....And it does!!!  Lachy had a blast plodding back and forward in his jumper and just feeling the grass beneath his feet!! It was a fun time all round!!

I'v been having an interesting time with the cloth nappy venture, i couldn't seem to stop the suckers from leaking (even after only an hour of wearing)....(As in Lachy wearing them, not me..i promise).  Hubby finally just rang the company, and after explaining the situation they have sent us a courier bag to return the nappy outers (which i must remember to do tomorrow), and they will be replacing them all for us with their new improved nappy outers! We've since bought 2 of these new ones to try and they haven't leaked at all!  So i'm looking forward to my replacements arriving!!!

Anywho! Now that i'v overloaded ya's with pictures it's time for bed me-thinks!!  Hopefully we all have a good nights sleep!!


  1. lol. The 3rd picture of him eating is hilarious.... "FOOOOOOD! Gotta Have it!" He's precious :)

  2. I LOVE all these pictures! You have such a cutie!!! :)
