Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Evil Troll...part 2

...And so the Family searched high and low, looking for the Cottage that would replace their Magical Home, and contain Laughter and Song as well!!

The search was long and tiring, and while they searched the Evil Little Troll gained New Followers that wanted to become Evil Little Trolls too.

The Family did their best to ignore the Trolls that watched them, their horrendous shrieks, the dragon poop that appeared on their lawn, and the disappearance of the Magical Solar Light.  They focused on their search around the Kingdom and Surrounding Lands, until finally, one Magical Sunny Day....

...a cheerful Laird suggested the Family come and see what his Outlying Cottage had to offer!  The Family went, and were Amazed!!  After one look it was clear that this was the Magical Cottage the Family had been searching for!!!

The Lovely Warm Cottage, was Light and Airy with lots of space to Sing and Dance, and was surrounded by Acres of Forest (of the orchard kind) and only one neighbour!!!  The lack of a magical dish washing appliance was more than made up for by the Magical Chicken Coup, and the 2 Trusty (guinea-pig) Steeds, Brian and Ryan!!

As sad as the Family were to be leaving their Magical Cottage because of one arse-hole Troll, they were so happy to be going to an Amazing New Magical Cottage, that was completely Evil Troll Free!!! 


The End

Renee  :)

'Not all who wander are lost'


  1. Hey, new follower from the Friend Connect blog hop. Great blog! Can't wait to check it out some more. :)


    1. Thanks!! Nice to meet ya! Love your story!!
