Saturday 16 March 2013

Things i'm loving!

What a great way to stop and appreciate the good things in life, no matter what's going on!!
 Linking up with Meghan at MNM's for

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.

#  Juicing!!  I'm even used to the slight grass taste!  Anything can go in (well, nearly anything), and a whole lotta goodness comes out!  Even Lachy drinks them!  Even if i never changed any other part of my eating habits, i feel better just for drinking our juice!!

#  Space and weather for a year round garden!  I'm not the most skilled gardener, and seeing a bug that's bigger than an ant can keep me hidden indoors for a week, but i love that thanks to our wonderful climate, we can have fresh produce on a daily basis! (Not to mention a lot of dirt and bugs for Lachy to play with/eat)

#  Lachys snuggles!  Yes his clinginess can be hugely a tad frustrating, but one day (hopefully not soon) he's not gunna want my snuggles anymore, and when i try to kiss him he'll probably run away!  So for now, we can be all about the cuddles!!

#  Hearing my kids laugh!! Olly has just started laughing and it sounds Delicious!!!  We spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to make him chuckle!!  Lachy's laugh occasional borders on crazy, but is still music to my ears!!

So there's a couple of things that i'm loving right now!  The list could be a whole lot longer, but i'm really loving a hot shower and sleep right now so everything else can wait for the next link up!!

What things are everyone else loving right now???

Renee  :)

'Not all who wander are lost'

1 comment:

  1. Lovely list this week - there is nothing more pure than the joy in a child's laughter, it lifts the spirits of all around xx
