Tuesday 5 March 2013

I have learnt - Going to the playground

#  Safety rails are actually designed to give your kid something to hide behind at home-time, not for their safety like you first thought.

#  It will be amusing for all involved when you get stuck on/in the equipment trying to retrieve said child.  Pxts will be taken (usually by your Hubby) before assistance is given.

#  Cute and carefree are not words that people will think of, as you attempt to take your frumpy buns down the slide with your kid. (This may or may not have been me...)

#  If you must go down the slide with a panicked child, remove your shoes.  The noises emitted from rubber soles on their way down a metal plank can be somewhat loud and attention seeking.  (not in a good way).

#  Your child will learn that life at the playground is not fair.  Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and bite your tongue, occasionally no ones watching, and you can throw a sly handful of sand at the tormentor.
 #  There isn't enough hand sanitizer in the whole world to cover your precious Beetle Bug from all the germs floating around a playground.  Just accept it and call it immunity building.

#  Your kid will usually be the one that insists on going up and down ramps in a snake-like crawl, causing the entire playground to come screeching to a halt.  While kids and parents alike grumble at you, you will still cheer and clap for your Super-Brave-Wonder-Child like they just conquered Everest!! (This was definitely me!)

#  Don't bother with a picnic unless your fully prepared to be ambushed by every duck/goose/sparrow within a 50 mile radius!

#  As a bonus, if the birds don't eat your children or scare the crap out of them, then feeding the feathered beasties will provide a good 15 - 20 minutes of amusement!

#  Your child will think the stars and moon of you for going to the playground, bumping down the slide, and getting stuck in the climbing nets with them, and that light in their eyes will keep you heading back there time, and embarrassing time again!!

Toodles!!  :)

'Live for a Life without Regret'


  1. Hahaha...fantastic post, and having done every single one of your examples, this had me in hysterics!...... lol

  2. Thanks Neetz!! Yeah, i can't wait til i actually start embarrassing my poor boys trying to go down the slide with them!!
