Monday 10 June 2013

How to launch a Flightless Bird!!

It's here!!! After months of crafting (addictions to Polymer clay), creating, my Hubby tirelessly working on the inta-webby bit, URL stuff ups, and markets in the freezing cold, it's Finally Here!!!

So freakin' Excited right now! (I even have little business cards for my market days...I feel so grown up!) I'm in the process of making more stock to replace the stuff i sold at the last market (Again, ridiculously excited for each piece i sell!), but you get the gist of it!! 

And hopefully now that the busy stuff is done i can get back to more frequent clogging-of-the-internet-with-pics-of-my-gorgeous-babies (or not so baby-ish any more) stuff!!
Brace yourselves!!

Renee  :)

'Not all who wander are lost'


  1. Cool!! I love your creations they're gorgeous! That 2c bracelet is really awesome! :) x

    1. Thanks Neetz! Every time i look at them i remember going to the shop to buy 2c worth of lollies and getting at least 5 lollies!lol!

  2. OMG, Congratulations Renee!!! I was wondering what you were up to : ) Your website looks awesome and your jewelry is beautiful! do you ship to cananda?!?!

    1. Thank you!! It's def' been keeping me busy but it's so much fun!! We ship everywhere, just trying to find a price for postage has been proving interesting! (Hubby's onto it today though!) :)

  3. Congratulations on your new business. Awesome! and yes, come back to blogging. I miss your posts :)
