Friday 23 March 2012

10 Months Old!!

Gah!!  I say this every time i know, but come on!!  10 Months ALREADY???  Where does the time go???  I'm sure just last week i was holding a brand new, squidgy wee monkey-bum in my arms wondering what the heck i was sposed to do with him!!  Now i have a wee giant of a squidgy bum...and to be honest i Still don't know what to do with him sometimes!!

So whats new this month...

#  While Lachys eating hasn't really changed, im pleased to report that most of the food i give him actually gets eaten now!!
#  Iv been slowly introducing dairy and treats giving him yogurt and biscuits to munch on, and he LOVES them with a passion (duh)!!  Ginger nuts are especially good, and have the added bonus of doubling as a teething rusk!
#  Encouraging water consumption is interesting and results in lotsa wet patches on the carpet! He still has 3 bottles a day too, but actually finishes the morning and night ones!!

#  Monkey LOVES crawling around, but he's discovered 'furniture' walking too and seems to resort to this when he's not in a hurry!!
#  He's been standing up unassisted quite a bit now, but plops back down after a few seconds with a shocked look on his face!!
#  Climbing....for some reason it never entered my feeble mind that he might start to climb things, so i was a wickedly a bit surprised when i turned around and found him up on the fire place ledge!! Thank goodness it's not 'fire' weather yet!!  (Fire guard is being installed very soon!)

# We have a TOOTH!!!  Just one (i thought there was gunna be 2!) but i don't think the rest will be far away!!  It's a sharp wee toof, and he still insists on chewing my fingers!!  :(
#  Since that first tooth came through, my boy has been sleeping through the night!!!  That's right!!!  He sleeps at least 10 hours now overnight!!  Whoop whoop!!
#  I have a very social child now it would seem!!  He Loves hanging with other babies (but can be a bit rough sometimes!) and is really good with people he doesn't really know!

What's getting old....

#  Day sleeps!!  I give up!!  he's def' better than what he was, but i still only get 2 x 1 hour sleeps out of him a day (a good day)!  Oh well though, could be worse!!
#  Figuring out what to dress him in at night!!  I'm such a worrier, i worry that he'l overheat, or freeze, sometimes both in one night!!  (You know, he might sweat, then the sweat might cool/freeze...)

So that's where the nappy liner roll went!!


#  Lachy LOVES saying mum-mum-mum-mum now!!
#  If we tell him 'No', he looks at us, shakes his head back then keeps going!!(It's soooo Cute!!  I have to hide my mouth so he doesn't see my smiling!!)
#  Birthday planning has commenced!!!  Mickey Mouse Club House here we come!!  ...kinda....on a budget!

Photo Dump!!!

Sigh, Just LOVE this kid to pieces!!!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!

Toodles!!  :)

'Live for a Life without Regret'


  1. Aww. The pics are so cute!

  2. He is adorable!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who started planning a first birthday party a few months early lol :) We're going with Mickey Mouse as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog, following you back!

  3. Look at all those adorable pics of him! So cute! Love him eating straight from the garden, my son does that too. Only he's not 10 months, he's 2.5 and it seems like he was just born or 10 months or 12 months like yesterday ... time doesn't slow down :(

  4. Aww he's gorgeous, and time flies, it really does.... Enjoy it while it lasts! ;)

  5. so cute! he's super happy!

  6. seriously too cute - so lOVE this age, they are delish in everyway x

  7. I'm loving the blog make over!

    My son's 3rd birthday is going to be Mickey Mouse Club House themed too. I love the pic with the nappy roll...I'm not sure what a nappy roll is exactly but it cracked me up to see him loosing his pants with the nappy roll in his mouth. He always looks so happy!

  8. he's so grown up!!!! I adore that first picture. Ell has the same tooth! They're tooth twins ;)
    I think your blog look has changed since the last time I was here. I love it! (I promise I read all your posts but I'm horrible at leaving Google Reader and coming over to comment!!!)

  9. Awww... This is cuteness overload! My daughter has also started teething. Well, yeah, talk about a fussy baby. How far along is monkey in the teething stage? Yep, time flies swiftly. Soon, you'll start telling him about the tooth fairy. :]

    -Doris Pender
