Friday 28 September 2012

Catching up!

So life's kinda been speeding by huh!  In fact Christmas is only 3 months away (a fact that i was blissfully unaware of 'til i saw Christmas trees being unpacked at The Warehouse).  Hard to believe that this Christmas we'll be a complete family of 4!! 

Anywho, i thought i should catch everyone up on what's happening in my neck of the woods, then realized what a short post that would be.  So now i'm just going to blether a wee bit about random things :)

Starting with.... The AMAZING job Hubby's done redesigning my blog for me!!  When i asked him for a hand he probably should've run a mile the other way, but instead he's spent his spare time creating my little space for me, and it's totally exceeded what i had in my mind!!  I gave him some instructions (changed my mind at least 50 times) and off he went making my blog totally Me!!
Isn't it Awesome!!?? (Why yes, it is thank you!)

 Did i mention that he's been dividing his time between that and making me bedside tables to match the headboard he made us?? (I'l have pics as soon as they're finished!)  And he finished one of our toy boxes for Lachy's room!! Yup, He's pretty freakin' Amazing!

The Toy box!!

He's also been doing this while iv been off work with a frozen pelvis, moping round the house like a witch without her broomstick, grizzling more than our toddler. (He knows that Maltesers fix Everything!)  Yup, 'Awesome wife' award goes to....not me.  So really this post should be titled Hubby of the year....


Anywho, here's some completely random pics of my kid just hanging out and being Cute!!

Not a big fan of the slide, but the pit was fun!

'Just hanging out with my truck, being a boy..'

The aftermath of a smoothie in the garden

Yay!! A ball pit!!

Just LOVE his expression!! My kid Rocks!!

Toodles!!  :)

'Live for a Life without Regret'


  1. Your blog looks amazing! My husband does my techie stuff too and I end up changing my mind a million times! We're lucky girls :)
