Thursday 18 June 2015

30 Weeks :)

Yup, I'm sure ya'll are sick of seeing beautiful maternity pictures, so here's me cleaning up after dinner :)

 How far along:  30 Weeks!!! Well, 30 weeks and 5 days, but who's really counting??  Jokes, I'm counting!!!  And you know what, time is whipping by rather fast!

Size of Baby:  The size of a large cabbage...(approx' 43cm long and 1.5kg)

 Best Moment This Week:  Finding a pair of jeans that are super, super comfy, and a pants extender set so that I can actually wear them! Also, suddenly realising that the hideous heartburn that I experienced while pregnant with both boys, is all but absent (touch wood)!!

Symptoms:  So much rib pain!!  And while a heat pack is lovely, there isn't a single thing that actually relieves the pain :(  I'm so very glad that, so long as I don't push myself or take too big a steps, the pelvic pain has eased and now I can actually move!!

Sleep:  This category needs to go under the 'Miss Anything' category, because sleep is something I miss dearly! Getting comfortable is such a mission (I'm such a tummy sleeper)!

 Miss Anything:  Sleep, and extra coffees, and chasing my children ... I really miss that feeling of a nice slow run too..

Cravings:  Funnily enough .. Running ... and cookie n creme ice cream!!

Gender:  Girl! I likely won't believe this until I'm holding her in my arms, I've got my back up boys names just in case!

 Queasy or Sick:  Occasionally queasy, but not really anything to write home about!

 Looking Forward To:  Meeting this little lass and seeing her brothers meet her too!! Snuggling into her and smelling that new baby smell... And seeing my toes... sleeping on my tummy... moving faster than a tortoise...fitting my clothes properly... you get the idea ;)

My standard 'pregnant with a stick shots'.... no pregnancy is complete without them!

And I promise I'll make more effort to get at least one more bump post up before baby joins us in August!


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