Wednesday 10 June 2015

Our Baby Nook on a budget :)

Baby #3 doesn't currently have her own room, and wont until I can get her brothers sharing a room...and still going to sleep at their regular bedtime...(Dare to dream , right!?)
I'm hopeful that #3 will want to stay close to her mummy for a wee bit longer than her brothers anyway (they were both in their own rooms by 4 months), not just for the sweetness of baby snuffles and snorts overnight.  It's also a whole lot more comfy being able to feed baby without having to leave the bedroom!
So until then, this is babies little nook!...Well, this is the 'before' of babies little nook...

The bassinet has been handed down through my Hubbies family, the drawers are thrifted and the mirror is on its way out the door because it doesn't fit anywhere....

...and Hey Presto!!

This is the 'Baby Nook' we've created...

I'm so so pleased with how it looks and cannot wait for baby to arrive and make it complete!! 
Once she moves into her own room we can just move her things with her, and add a few extra bits and pieces...(I have an armchair waiting in the wings for that moment!!)

I Love this mirror!!  Thrifted and repainted to match the drawers, it's the perfect addition to our wee nook! Between the shelf for lotions and the hooks for babies hair-bands, it's just awesome!

 Our repainted drawers (Currently full of the sweetest looking baby clothes!!) with a chevron feature drawer and wicker baskets to store nappies, socks, hats etc :)

 And our little patch of wall art for baby :) Love these frames (Buy one get-one free is always a bonus!)  and my lil' crafted 'A' :)

Simple but sweet!

So now we wait patiently (or not so patiently), stocking up on nappies and other necessities, washing and folding baby clothes, shopping for booties and hair-bands, and talking with the boys about how their baby sister will be arriving in a just a few months!! 

11 weeks to go!!

Bump update coming very soon!! :)

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