Sunday 22 January 2012

8 Months old!!

Wow, I cant believe iv been off my blog for so long!!  I started out the month with awesome intentions of witty tails from my new job and my bonny wee lad, but then life/exhaustion/new computer happened and i Still havent even caught up on all my blog reads from the last couple of weeks!!  Anyway, enough whinging from me!!

My boy is 8 MONTHS OLD now!!  That's right! He's growing so fast!!!  So without further ramblings....

Whats new this month....

Food is FANTASTIC!!  Not a fan of mince in his food, but LOVES marmite sandwiches and banana/strawberry mash!!
#  Finger foods are the flavor of the month, and bubba prefers to feed himself!!
The sippy cup is still popular, but since Lachy's learnt how to blow bubbles not a lot of water is actually being consumed!!
#  We've also adapted to life with a bottle now!!

#  Bubbas on the move in all directions!! When he's in a hurry he just drags his body around with his arms, but when he's just cruising he makes a really cute effort at crawling!!
#  He rolls every way possible now, and change time is an absolute nightmare!!
Standing up with things and walking with mum and dad is just the best thing ever, he looks like a wee duck!!

We have a very chatty boy, with lots of different sounds (most involving copious amounts of spit) and expressions!!
Peek-a-boo is a favorite game now, and musical toys are (unfortunately) the ants pants!!
#  Sometimes he sleeps for 11 hours!!
#  Play time with friends is getting more fun, and bubba doesn't cry every time one of his wee friends does!!
#  Also becomming a bit of a camera-hog!!

Whats getting old this month...

Still no teeth!!  I know this isn't anything to worry about at his age, but its just so frustrating when i have a grumpy child with lumpy, tender gums!!
Hot nights that make sleep difficult for wee bubbas!
My own inconsistancy with crying it out!!  I'm having a VERY hard time sticking to it!!
#  Bubba making a bee-line for every power cord/appliance he sees!

Everytime i look at my boy he seems to have grown a bit more, and sometimes i panic a bit that im not home with him everyday to see everything he does, but then i see his little face light up when his Aunty picks him up and im happy that he's happy!!  He's had visits with his Bubu and Nanna and Poppa too, which was just awesome!!!   I Love that he gets to have pretty regular visits with them, and LOVES them to bits!!  Next weekend he gets to meet his Great Grandnana's too!!

So that's just a wee catch up of what my chubby cheddar boy is up too!!

Hope everyone has a Fantastic week!!

Toodles!!  :)

"Live for a Life without Regret!"

Ps:  Love my Hubbys Saturday Slam for a chuckle!!!!


  1. What a cutie!! I love the pictures on the swing :)

  2. Look at that wittle bum! Hehe. So cute. I like how you feature "What's Getting Old This Month" too. Makes me realize my kids aren't the only little stinkers in the world ;)

  3. He is so cute!! And I finally did your tag post! I'm sooo sorry it took so long!

  4. I have Mommy guilt too - it is hard leaving your baby to work!

    Camden didn't get teeth until 10 months. He's 17 months and is just now working on tooth number six.

    hang in there!!!

  5. What a cutie! I'm lovin' the naked baby butt.
