Wednesday 25 January 2012

Beach Bubby!!

This post is basically just a photo dump from a FANTASTIC day in Whitianga with my mum!!  The sun was shining, the watermelon was flowing (Thanks mum!!) and the sea was warm!!  My Chunky-monkey was just mesmerised by the sand and the water!! (and possibly by my lilly-white legs!!)

Lachy got to have a play in the water with me and his Bubu!  He was a bit hesitant to start with, but he eventually looked like he was enjoying himself!!

Playing in the sand was just Awesome for bubba, and he even sampled some of its tastiness!! (Washing it out of his mouth proved a bit tricky, so lets just consider it an internal exfoliant?)

(Arent kids hats just the cutest!!  He also has one in blue stripes that has an elastic band for under the chin!!  They just serve to make my boy look like an even scrummier, tasty little treat!!)

Hubby and Quibbles (Not his real name, but still awesome!!)  sat under the sun 'brolly like little old men while us women folk taught the chubby-cheddar about the deep blue sea!! (Even though it's looking pretty green right now!)

After drying bubba off, i went for a swim while Lachy pee'd on his daddy :)
After another 'rinse' in the sea it was time to head home to mums for a snooze and some more watermelon before the big drive home!!

Just a Perfect day all round really!!  Looking forward to another weekend of journeys to meet up with family, which means everyone else can look forward to a whole lot more photos!!  Whoop whoop!!

Anyway, stay tuned tomorrow for an update on my wee garden!!

Toodles!! :)

"Live for a Life without Regret"


  1. So adorable! What a little ham. Looks like a great day :)

  2. AHHHH the pics are SO cute!!! :D He looks like a little adventurer...some of these need captions LOL!

  3. Oh I love this post!! I heart the picture with the sand on his face and his precious rolls. I just adore baby rolls!

  4. Oh my GOODNESS!!! So adorable! They're all so precious and make me want to go to the beach!

  5. Looks like you had a fantastic time. I'm jealous of the warmth! Last week it was -50 with the windchill here!

  6. Wonderful photos!

    I left something for you over on my blog. Don't feel obligated to participate, just wanted you to know it was there :)

  7. Fun! Love the photo of him zonked out in your lap! Such a precious wee boy, and you're right, those hats are so dear! :)
