Thursday 28 February 2013

Farewell to Summer!! :)

Farewell to beautiful long hot days!  To bbq's and picnics, to beaches and lakes, swimming and sprinklers, sitting in the shade of a big tree just relaxing with a giant bit of watermelon. 

Farewell to kids in just their nappies (if those even stayed on) running around the back yard, digging in the sandpit, picking the fresh strawberries, fighting the birds for the plums and raspberries, watering the garden and any kid that got in the way.

Farewell to cold spaghetti and colder ice blocks, dinner on the porch, evening walks through clouds of midgies, ice creams melting over little hands before they can be eaten, singlets, shorts and jandals!

Farewell too, to sweltering nights that make sleep impossible, and humid days that make relaxing impossible, and flies and mosquitoes, sunburn and peeling noses!!

While summer has been lovely (not so much for farmers) i'm more than ready for some cooler nights, and warm winter layers.  Ready for fort building in the lounge (i'll even let the boys join me if they're lucky) and cuddling on the couch watching movies! 

Nice hot casseroles for dinner and pancakes and french toast for breakfast!  Wrapping up in blankets with a green tea and a good book, or early morning cartoons!

Autumn and Winter??  Bring it On!!!

Renee  :)

'Not all who wander are lost'


  1. How long is your Autumn and Winter there?

    1. It never starts getting cold here til April, and even then the weather in the Waikato stays pretty mild (compared to some places!)So autumn and winter both seem pretty short! Can't wait to travel and have a winter with LOTS of snow!!

  2. Fall is my favorite! We are heading into a mucky spring here, and if it weren't for the summer that follows... : ) Love the new look here Renee!!!

    1. Thanks Gillian!! I think Fall would be my fav too if it wasn't for all the leaves blocking the drains and flooding everything!!Lol! I can't imagine what spring would be like following a snowy winter, probably makes my drains flooding look like a celebration!!

  3. i'm not gonna lie, i'm a little happy your summer is over...because that means mine is on the way!!! :)

    1. Haha, you make me laugh, and you can have summer!! I'm pretty stoked for winter this year, Trying to get a toddler and a baby to sleep at 30 degrees is just impossible!! Our winter would be infinitely better with some snow though!!*hint-hint-mother-nature*
