Monday 29 April 2013


After a few days hanging out in the jim-jams (ok, so maybe i do that most days anyway) the boys are on the mend!!  Lachy's back in full 'mischief/no ears' swing, and Olly's all smiles again for anyone who glances his way!

 Me and monkey baked some delicious biscuits that would've been more delicious if i hadn't slightly over cooked them!

The Jolly Jumper (Love the Toy Library!)!  I realise this is slightly blurred, but this kid doesn't stop moving when he's in this contraption!!

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Yay! I'm on time 2nd week in a row!!  Thanks Jodi for the Awesome link up!!

Renee  :)

'Not all who wander are lost'

1 comment:

  1. Love that pic of Lachy. He is so big..... and you can just see the mischief in his grin :)
