Thursday 4 April 2013

Moving Day!!!

Tomorrow is moving day!!! Whoop whoop!! As an unfortunate end to our time here, the Village Guards have stopped by, AGAIN, (for once not called by us) because the Villages Evil Trolls are getting beaten up by a neighbouring Villages Evil Trolls.  I feel like we live in the flippen bronx'!! (For the record, we don't! It's a lovely neighbourhood most of the time!)

I pray this night goes by fast, cause our country house is a-callin'!! (as are the guinea-steeds i'm sure!!)  I have so many plans and thoughts and ideas for the new place, and kind of a new start for myself, a nice stress free start with no Evil Trolls!! (Maybe even that Magical Dish Washing Appliance!)

This is going to be a busy month on-line i feel (unless the internet provider Gods are feeling fickle, apparently we could be waiting 21 days for our connection :o ) and i'm very excited about a few new things that i'll be attempting, and cant wait to share!!

And now Hubby's waiting to pack down my computer so i have to say something witty to keep you all around, just in case i can't get back here for 21 days.......since that's not gunna happen, have a cute  pic' of my boys instead!!

Brotherly Love at it's Finest!!!

Hope everyone has an Amazing weekend!  See ya's back here soon!!

Renee  :)

'Not all who wander are lost'


  1. Thanks for the congrats comment on my blog Renee! I can't believe I only have a month left to go! I've loved seeing how you've added another little one to your family!
    Your country house sounds so wonderful! I hope the move goes smoothly :)

  2. very cool and I hope your move doesn't have too many hassles. take care.

  3. I keep checking back, can't wait to see your new place!!! Hope the move went ok : )
