Monday 5 December 2011

2 Whole Amazing Years!!

After spying this rather chipper lad at Parachute, and a rather long fb stalk, i finally nabbed him!!!  (I have very impressive fb stalking skills!!)

Yup, geek alert!!

Fast forward to this time 2 years ago (does that even make sense??) and i'm walking down the isle to my Knight in Shining Tartan!! Our wedding day was perfect (Thanks Bianca!!) and we said our 'i do's' with our family and friends close by!!

We have our ups and downs, but together we started our journey down the end of the country, together we adventured.....

...together we watched my belly grow, together we welcomed our baby boy into the world, 
together we're doing life!!

Here's to the rest of our life together, side by side, being a team!!  Lets keep alive the dream of growing old and wrinkly, rocking chairs rocking on the front porch, pooch in between, shotguns loaded!!

Love you Hubby!!!

Toodles :)


  1. Happy Anniversary! I love your wedding pictures :)

  2. Happy Anniversary!!! You guys are too cute! And I love your wedding dress!

  3. Happy his shirt "I'm Famous Online"

  4. This post is too much, so sweet! Great photos, happy anniversary!

  5. Congratulations!!! What a beautiful little family, you are so blessed!
