Friday 9 December 2011

Post Shred Apocolypse!!

Ok, so the titles a wee bit irrelevant, but i like the sound of it so it stays!!

This post is a wee bit late, but better late than never!!  I have FINISHED THE SHRED!!!  Yup, Done, Complete, All gone!!!  And i'm feeling amazing!!! I don't feel like my body shape changed much in the last half, but i feel stronger, and my endurance is hugely improved! (Towards the end i was only sweating buckets instead of pools!!)

So here are my stats from day 1 of the shred, to day 30!

Beginning Shred                          End Shred
Weight:       84.85kg (187lb)          Weight:     75.5kg (166lb)

Bust:      100cm                             Bust:      96cm
Waist:     102cm                            Waist:    92cm
 Hips:     116cm                              Hips:     109cm
*waist measure is lower abdo

So i have lost:  Weight: 9.35kg (20.61lb)   Bust: 4cm,   Waist:  10cm,    Hips:  7cm


So these are my final Shred photos!!

And since September....

            Weight loss    -13.1kg (28lb)
Bust                 -8cm
Waist               -14cm
Hips                -12cm

 And just cause i love doing the before and after pics.....

Id like very much to express how i feel about being given back my health/strength/enthusiasm and motivation but i just don't know that there are words that fit the job description!!  

Lal, you have changed my life!!  Sure you've helped me lose weight but that was just the bottom of the list. Even better than that, you've taught me whats more important, a healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy soul!!  You've taught me the importance of positive changes for myself as a whole, you've taught me to explore new things ('Broadbeaned' my horizons as it were....hehe, bean pun!!).  You've given me confidence in myself, and in what my body can handle, and you've shown me that even when i reach my limits, i can still push it a little further!!

You and Sally have both motivated me, kept me enthusiastic, and kept me trying hard (i can be a wee bit competitive too!)  Exercising alongside ya's has kept me strong, and i'm so thankful for your friendships!!( this starting to sound a bit like an Grammy's speech?? "so as i accept my award.....")

Lal, Your just one truly gifted woman of God!!  I still have no words to express how i actually feel, but i want to say that God has blessed you with some amazing talents and you use them Awesomely!!  It has been a privilege being your 'Jilli-Lal' guinea-pig and i am sooo looking forward to your boot camp (*Cough, be nice, *cough)

Right, id like to add down the bottom here that i haven't yet reached my goal, and will still be trailing after my 'Jilli-Lal' soaking up more little bits of wisdom on my fitness journey, and gearing up for runs, and (shameless and totally worth it advertising) i'l be following the workouts and recipe's and articles on your website as often as i can!!

So.....Bring on 'Ripped in 30'!!!

Toodles!! :)


  1. wow you look amazing! so glad it worked for you! :)

  2. Seriously crying in my breakfast.... so so so so proud of you!!!
    Hot mama! You're doing such a great thing for yourself and your boys and I LOVE your determination and spirit! I mean, yesterday when I suggested mushrooms you just gave me evils.. no slap or anything! ;)

  3. Over from Y&R Blog Hop

    WOW!!! AWESOME!! I need to check the 30 day shred out. :o)

    Congrats to you on getting healthy!! You look great!

  4. You look great! Hurray for getting feels great, doesn't it?

  5. Wow! Good for you! I've been contemplating starting 30 Day Shred and seeing your results is a HUGE motivation!
